Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Jim Keith - Gemstone Author

The first book on the Gemstone Files, now rather scarce, is a little volume called Beyond the Gemstone Files by Peter Renzo. The first book to achieve a more wide-spread circulation was The Gemstone File by the late Jim Keith. This is from an interview with Jim.


Jim Keith, Goes Fishin' for Gems

RX: How do you describe the Gemstone Files to people who have never heard of them before?

JK: The Gemstone Files were a conspiratorial document of (depending on who you listen to) roughly a thousand pages put together by a character named Bruce Roberts in the early 70s. He died and a skeleton key of The Gemstone File was made apparently by a woman called Stephanie Caruana. Now I've met Stephanie and I believe she probably put the skeleton key together, there are a number of other people who claim they did. What most people have seen is the skeleton key of about 30 pages... however, that larger document varying on the version from 300-1,000 pages is actually floating around. I know of 3-4 people who have copies, however, for one reason or another I have not been able to pry a copy of the original Gemstone File out of them, nor have any other researchers who have done books on the subject; the primary reason being that people have set incredibly high dollar figures on copies of the Gemstone File and I think that most of these people who have the original are waiting for their ship to come in...and to get a big buck sale on their original file.

As I have said I have a copy of the larger Gemstone File, which I will post very soon.

Friday, October 14, 2005

Hustler Publishes the Skeleton Key

The Skeleton Key first came out in photocopied form. There were three versions, dated April, May and June of 1975, written by Stephanie Caruana. I have the May and June versions but not the April one. It was then published in City of San Francisco magazine--a fact which escaped the authors of books on the Gemstone File. The Key first came to widespread public attention when an edited version of it appeared in Larry Flynt's Hustler magazine.

The Key was preceded by a preface byeditor John G. Clancy:

"Throughout history, whenever new voices become powerful and commanding, there is a traceable pattern of violent response. Whether from the right or left, there is a stealthy, savage reaction, like a shaft of ramrod steel. From Jesus Christ to Chile's Salvador Allende, the markings are clear. Action calls forth reaction, and nowhere is this more clear than in the savage history of our own country: Abraham Lincoln, Huey Long, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Robert Kennedy and all the others whose cries for justice have been stilled by the staccato burst of a gun. These are the facts of our political life. Sudden death is not just an overtime in professional football. The article that follows, the Gemstone File - a condensation of a thousand-page manuscript - may be considered by many to be a work of madness. But remember, through all the ages, all innovative works of genius have been thought to be the products of insanity. One need only reflect on the spectacle of Galileo recanting before the church. It was madness - they said - for him to advance the notion that the earth moved around the sun. And they were right: It was madness, even though he was correct. The astronomer's thinking was madness because it upset the settled scheme of things and could be demonstrably proven for all to see. For that reason, Galileo's idea had to be dismissed and done away with - perhaps, just like the Gemstone File. No doubt reasonable men will say that the factual essentials of the Gemstone File are simply preposterous - because they go too far and encompass too much. That may be true, but it should never be overlooked that the hellish vision this article contains may well bear the germs of truth, virulent though they may be.

Monday, October 10, 2005

A Bruce Roberts' Anecdote

I came across the following in an email from Stephanie Caruana, alleged author of the Skeleton Key. She is asking him about the Good Housekeeping cover pictured in the previous post:

(Sun, 30 Sep 2001)

I asked Roberts about it one day. As I recall, it was the day I picked him up and drove him home from the hospital. On the way, we stopped and satdown on a small bench on a hilltop overlooking San Francisco.

I said something like: "You remember that thing you wrote about Mary Jo's Liver?

He nodded.

I said, "Well...it seems to me that that may be the most astonishing pieceof writing I ever read. But I read it at Mae's, and I don't have a copy. Could I have one?"

He said, "I'll look for it and give you one sometime." (Buried somewhere in the stack of stuff he had written two years earlier. Ancient history. But he never did.)

I said, "How did you happen to write that?" (It's different from anything else I have seen from him.)

He shrugged. "I was in a funny mood."